Chapter 3 Reading

Dimensions of Context 

This chapter was very interesting to read because it detailed the various ways context can better an experience. Context very important as it puts the images, objects, and messages in a certain setting or background in which they relate to or can create an interpretational metaphor. As a designer context very important because we have create use that space to design something that pertains to a certain context and we can let it go beyond its' main context because the audience is not always going to see it the same as another person or ourselves as designers.

Context has many dimensions: cognitive, socio-cultural, technological, physical, and economic. These various parts are all different ways to approach a problem and try give a area of context and can also help solve the problem by providing what elements should be implemented. Many time if there is no definitive context present then things can be widely unclear or confusing like if someone came in and saw the design and made their own interpretations, but that person can make that opinion because it is instantly put under their own context in which seems familiar to them.